Tuesday, June 17, 2014

الماء في ناظري والنار في كبدي

الماء في ناظري والنار في كبدي .....إن شئت فاغترف أو شئت فاقتبسي
_الشريف الرَضي 

" الماء " (al maa' ) water 
" في " (In (fe
"ناظِري " : "ناظِِر (nazer) = عيْن eye "
ي Possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, our, their) are used to indicate ownership of something. In Arabic, as with object pronouns, these take the form of suffixes; they are attached to the noun that's owned.
_examples of possessive pronouns in Arabic :}
بيتي (beiti) my house
كتابه (kitaabu) his book
أختهم (uxtuhum) their sister

"و " (and (wa
"النار " (Fire (al nar
"في " (In (fe
"كبدي " كَبد (kabed ) : liver or heart
and in that poem it means the heart or the interior of the poet
"ي in كبدي " possessive pronoun

"إن " (If (en
"شئتِِ " the origin is the verb
شاءَ = أَرَادَ to want
شاء "sha'"
أراد "arad "
التاء في شئتِ referring to the subject
"فَاغترفي "
(فَ ) therefore; hence.
(اغترف) here that verb in imperative form
and its origin is "غَرَف " gharafa
ladle;scoop up
(الياء في اغترفي : is the form for the second person,for females
"أو " (or (aw
"شئتِ " to want
"فاقتبسي "
(ف :الفاء الاستئنافية = thereupon; therefore; hence )
(اقتبس ) (to obtain ) fire from (eqtabas
(الياء في فاقتبسي ) is the form for the second person,for females
the writer of that poem is Al-Sharif al-Radi
Shi'ite Muslim scholar and poet who was born in Baghdad
for the complete poem

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